Family history may not be enough to predict their risk of colorectal cancer

The geneType for Colorectal Cancer risk score is a personalized – and actionable – risk prediction so you can better identify those at-risk adults.

From screen-compliance to increased surveillance, geneType can help.

Know their risk. Reduce their risk.

Only ~30% of colorectal cancer patients have some family history or hereditary genetic risk of the disease.

Most people have no significant family history of colorectal cancer

Are you assessing CRC risk for your patients without significant family history?

Don’t let the majority of your patient population fly under the radar.

geneType can identify at-risk adults with or without family history. 

geneType does not test for hereditary syndromes like Lynch, or FAP;

this is for the general population, or adults who have previously recieved negative genetic syndrom results.

GeneType identifies asymptomatic, healthy adults who are at increased risk of developing colorectal cancer.

Colorectal cancer is on the rise in adults under 50 years

Screening guidelines have tried to address this issue by lowering the colonoscopy screening recommendation age to 45.

Patients are already stratified by family history, race/ethnicity, and obesity to assist with tailoring screening options.

Take risk stratification one step further by understanding your patient’s “baseline” risk with geneType.

*geneType is not a replacement for CRC screening; it is a risk assessment to help inform better screening and risk-reducing recommendations. This does not test for hereditary genetic syndromes associated with CRC.

GeneType improves upon traditional risk assessment.

The future of risk stratification is here.

Click below to learn more about the common genetic markers in geneType’s polygenic risk scores.

Common genetic markers are genotyped to generate a polygenic risk score to which traditional clinical risk factors are combined

Personalized risk scores:

  • remaining lifetime risk
  • 10-year risk

One report.
Actionable insights.

GeneType reports are structured to make the results easy to interpret and communicate to a patient.

The geneType for Colorectal Cancer report includes:

  • A snapshot of your patient’s absolute risk based on a combination of clinical and polygenic risk factors
    • 10-year and remaining lifetime-risk scores
  • Interpretation of what their risk scores mean in the context of current guidelines
  • Polygenic risk score indicating your patient’s “baseline” colorectal cancer risk
  • Information about modifiable colorectal cancer risk factors
  • Types of screening and risk-reduction interventions available to your patient

The geneType Patient

GeneType for Colorectal Cancer is appropriate for:

  • Men and women
  • Age 30 – 85 years

Exclusion criteria include a personal history of CRC, carrier of a known hereditary cancer syndrome (i.e. Lynch or FAP). geneType does not test for hereditary cancer syndromes.

 Testing is simple

Step 1

Register as a provider; our team will provide clinical education and other resources as needed.

geneType will send kits to your clinic to have on hand.

Step 2

Discuss geneType with your patient.

Would geneType help them qualify for additional risk reduction strategies?

Step 3

Complete the Test Requisition form, collect a sample from the patient in the buccal swabs provided and return both to geneType.

You will have the option to use a paper requisition, or a secure, compliant portal to complete the ordering process.

Step 4

Leave the rest to us.

geneType will notify you when your patient’s results are ready.

You will have the option to request a consult with a genetic counsellor,  whether to review your patient’s results and/or to follow-up with your patient, as needed.

Do you have questions?
We have answers.

If your question is not shown here, please contact us directly.

Should I test a patient with no family history of CRC?


Most people diagnosed with CRC do not have a first degree relative affected by colorectal cancer.1,2

GeneType for Colorectal Cancer incorporates polygenic risk to deliver a baseline understanding of your patient’s risk of CRC.

I recommend colonoscopies for all my patients starting at 45 years, how would my patients benefit from geneType?

While GeneType is not a replacement for your current colonoscopy recommendations:

  1. It can provide benefit by identifying patients that could benefit from a colonoscopy even earlier than 45.
  2. It can be a motivating tool for your patient population that is not compliant with your recommendations. We provide your patient a view of their baseline CRC risk which can be then modified based on the risk-reducing actions they decide to act on. 
  3. It can open up the door to risk-reducing medications, such as low-dose aspirin which is shown to reduce risk by 40%.4
Is geneType for Colorectal Cancer a blood test?


GeneType for Colorectal Cancer is a DNA-based risk assessment collected with a saliva tube.

What are DNA markers?

“DNA markers” is a simple term we use to describe small differences in DNA between individuals.

GeneType for Colorectal Cancer looks at DNA markers that have been scientifically proven to be associated with colorectal cancer through genome wide association studies and then cross-validated in our own lab.

What is a polygenic risk score?

A polygenic risk score is calculated by combining the effects of multiple DNA markers. While one or two DNA markers don’t have a strong influence on risk, many markers together can have a large impact. Your patient’s polygenic risk score adds up the effects of over 40 DNA markers.

Is this test reimbursed by insurance?

This test is not generally covered by insurance. Your ordering healthcare provider will discuss the cost of the test with you. A credit card authorization form will be included in the test kit that lists the payment options. You may use your FSA/HSA to pay for the test.

Multitest V3 2024

*Patient eligibility dependent on personal medical history, age and sex

Interested in ordering more than one disease? Order geneType Multi-Test.

See individual disease pages for more information about each test.

The Multi-Risk suite of tests is for adults 40-85 years of age. At maximum, a woman would be eligible for 8 diseases in the panel; a man would be eligible for 7. Starting at age 30, a patient may qualify for geneType's cancer risk assessments only.

Are you ready to get started with geneType?

The first step is to trial geneType at your practice.

  1. America Cancer Society. Colorectal cancer risk factors. Available at: Accessed June 2022.
  2. Colorectal Cancer (PDQ®)–Health Professional Version. Available at: Accessed June 2022.
  3. Kanth P, Inadomi JM. BMJ 2021;374:n1855.
  4. Gafni A et al. PloS One 2021;16:e0251469.
  5. Lin JS et al. JAMA. 2021;325(19):1978-1997.
  6. Clinical Preventive Service Recommendation: colorectal cancer screening, adults. American Academy of Family
    Physicians. Available at: Accessed June 2022.
  7. NCCN Clinical Practice Guidelines in Oncology. Colorectal Cancer Screening. V1.2022; March 2022; accessed June 2022.
  8. Qaseem A, et al. Ann Intern Med. 2019;171(9):643-654.
  9. Wolf AMD, et al. CA Cancer J Clin. 2018;68(4):250-281.
  10. Shaukat A, et al.; 116(3):458-479.
  11. Patel SG et al. Gastroenterology. 2022 ;162(1):285-299.
  12. Bibbins-Domingo K; U.S. Preventive Services Task Force. Ann Intern Med. 2016 21;164(12):836-45.

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