How to Order 

GeneType is all about taking the complex, and making it simple. This test can only be requested by a medical practitioner who can order this test online.

Is geneType testing right for me?

GeneType tests are for adults who want to be proactive about their health.

By understanding your risks you can be confident about whether you need to integrate risk reducing strategies or screening to identify a disease early. 

Early detection may even save your life.

What could that mean to you and your family?

The first step is to speak with your medical practitioner as to whether a geneType test is right for you.

GeneType Step-by-Step Guide

1. Speak to a medical practitioner

  • The first option is to speak to your regular medical practitioner. We’ve prepared a checklist to help you and your medical practitioner discuss at your next wellness visit here.
  • Alternatively, order online with the support of a 3rd party telehealth service.

2. Complete your clinical questionnaire

  • A clinical questionnaire will be provided for your medical practitioner to complete.
  • Not everyone is eligible for a geneType test. If for any reason you are ineligible, geneType will reimburse you for the cost of the test.

3. Collect and return your sample to geneType

  • Once approved your geneType test will arrive in the mail.
  • Collect and return your sample using the prepaid envelope provided.

4. Follow-up consultation

  • When your results are ready, your medical practitioner will reach out to schedule a follow-up discussion of your results.

How to complete a GeneType test

Know your risk so you can take action