Know your risk so you can take control of your health

GeneType Multi-Risk Test is a comprehensive solution for understanding your personal risk of a range of common diseases including: breast cancer, colorectal cancer, ovarian cancer, coronary artery disease, prostate cancer and type 2 diabetes.

Breast Cancer Testing
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Proactive healthcare based on accurate risk assessment

Risk assessment is a tool used by healthcare providers on a daily basis. When your provider takes your blood pressure, they are assessing your risk of developing a heart attack or stroke, and they will make recommendations on how to reduce that risk based on your results.

The geneType risk assessment works the same way, except we don’t look at a single risk factor, we look at many risk factors together. This gives us a better picture of your risk of developing disease.

With a better picture of your risk, you and your healthcare provider can make proactive decisions to manage that risk.

One report. Actionable results.

Our reports help you and your medical practitioner translate your personal clinical, family and genetic data into an actionable preventable health plan.

Unlike other tests, your test results are provided in simple language that you can understand.

Key features of a geneType report

  • Your absolute risk score: this score may be a short-term or long-term representation of your risk, depending on the disease. It will be used by your medical provider to make decisions about risk-reducing strategies.
  • Recommendations on referral, and risk-reducing interventions including screening, lifestyle, medication options based on your risk level.
  • A snapshot of your risk compared to what is considered average for your age, sex and ethnicity.
  • A view of your risk factors: a summary of the risk factors that are included in the geneType risk model including one unique to the geneType test: Your polygenic risk score.
  • An easy-to-read patient summary highlighting additional risk factors and other information to increase your personal awareness
Sample patient report

Personalised risk score. Personalised health plan.

GeneType Multi-Risk Test can help you and your medical professional develop a risk reduction health plan just for you.

Depending on your risk, you and your clinician may consider:

  • New or additional screening options
  • Risk/benefits of risk-reducing medications (if appropriate)
  • Modifying lifestyle risk factors through behavioral changes

Incorporate geneType Multi-Risk Test into your next health check

A general health check is an opportunity to consider your ongoing health to maintain healthy lifestyle.

A Risk assessment – a tool that is used to identify at-risk adults who would benefit from additional disease screening and risk-reduction–is a great tool to pave the way to proactive discussions with your healthcare provider. With a disease-specific risk assessment like geneType, you can get personalized recommendations to help you make your health a priority:

  • Risk-reduction options–you may have additional options available to you to reduce your risk, from medications to additional screening tools. Give yourself the option, by having your risk assessed.
  • Screening compliance–it’s easy to forget, or skip a routine screening event. Sometimes we need a nudge to remind us to do what’s best for our own health.
  • Lifestyle modifications to reduce disease risk (e.g. smoking cessation, improved nutrition, reducing alcohol consumption, increased physical activity).
Multitest V3 2024

*Patient eligibility dependent on personal medical history, age and sex

Interested in ordering more than one disease? Order geneType Multi-Test.

See individual disease pages for more information about each test.

The Multi-Risk suite of tests is for adults 40-85 years of age. At maximum, a woman would be eligible for 8 diseases in the panel; a man would be eligible for 7. Starting at age 30, a patient may qualify for geneType's cancer risk assessments only.

Have questions? We have answers.

If your questions are not shown here, please contact us directly.

Will insurance cover geneType Multi-Risk Test?

The test is generally not covered by private health insurance.

  1. The Royal Australian College of General Practitioners. Putting prevention into practice: Guidelines for the implementation of prevention in the general practice setting. 3rd edn. East Melbourne, Vic: RACGP, 2018.

Accredited For Compliance With NPAAC Standards And ISO 15189